Friday, October 26, 2018

Some Important facts and details about RIVERS OF Pakistan and Indus water treaty???

Indus water treaty?

1) Indus water treaty was signed in Karachi in September 19, 1960 by Indian Prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Pakistani President Ayub Khan which was Brokered by World bank.

2) According to this agreement, India can use the water of eastern rivers Ravi, Sutlej and Beas, while Pakistan will use the water of western rivers Jhelum, Chenab and Indus.

3) As Indus is the largest river in Asia and flows through India , travels all across Pakistan and falls in Arabian sea, so according to agreement ,the India can use 20%  water of Indus river.

Why Indus water treaty was signed?

As shown in a map, only Indus and Sutlej originates from China and the remaining all have sources in India. As Pakistan is the agricultural country and its economy mainly depends upon agriculture. So, Pakistan was in fear that in case of any war, India will create droughts and floods in Pakistan because India is capable to control these rivers as their sources are in India. So, Indus water treaty was signed to ensure the safety of Pakistan .

Dams on which river?

As Pakistan can use the water of three rivers, Indus , Jhelum and chenab. Mangla dam is built on Jhelum river and Tarbela dam is built on Indus river.

 Tarbela Dam on Indus


 Mangla Dam on Jhelum in Azad Jammu and Kashmir

Sunday, October 14, 2018

50 lakh houses for homeless people.....great initiative

Prime Minister (PM) of Pakistan, Mr Imran Khan has taken a great initiative of making a project of 50 lakh / 5 million houses for the homeless people at very low cost and easy installments as he promised his countrymen before elections.

This was really a great decision as it impose a positive impact on our economy. The houses will be built in various cities of Pakistan and the inspection for this project is already been started.
This project might bring some change for the poor people.

Questions asked from the Applicants:

In which city, you want a house?

What is your monthly income?

Which installment plan, you want?

These were the basic questions that every applicant must answer in application form as this project only is for poor people.

Benefits of the project:

1) Jobs will be generated through this project as this is the big project of 50 lakh houses, so lots of unemployment problems might be solve.

2) The houses will be provided at  easy installments.
3) Very beneficial for economic growth.

4) House will be provided in applicant's desired city.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Global warming and its impact?? Must read

Global warming:

Global warming is the increase in overall temperature of Earth's atmosphere.

How Global warming affect world?

When light from Sun shines on Earth's surface, Earth absorb some heat to warm the planet and radiate remaining into atmosphere,then greenhouses gases (like carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbon etc) trap some of the heat in atmosphere and remaining escape into the space. The more greenhouse gases, the more heat would be trapped and eventually the temperature of the Earth got warmer and warmer. 

Sources of Greenhouse gases:

Mostly due to human activities;
1)  Use of fossil fuels;
2)  Deforestation;
3)  Use of Synthetic fertilizers.

Impacts of Global Warming:

1) Rise of sea water:
    Due to heat, more ice melts from land which causes increase in sea water.

2)  Longer Wildfire Season:
      Due to heat, there will be longer and more damaging wildfire seasons in the U.S.

3)   Can Cause severe health problems.

4)    More Droughts.

 Temperature rise?

 According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute    for Space Studies, the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8° Celsius  since 1880.

Economic history of Pakistan

Lets start from the scratch, when Pakistan  came into existence in 1947 , its population was 30 million which increases at a rapid pace and...