Friday, October 5, 2018

Global warming and its impact?? Must read

Global warming:

Global warming is the increase in overall temperature of Earth's atmosphere.

How Global warming affect world?

When light from Sun shines on Earth's surface, Earth absorb some heat to warm the planet and radiate remaining into atmosphere,then greenhouses gases (like carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbon etc) trap some of the heat in atmosphere and remaining escape into the space. The more greenhouse gases, the more heat would be trapped and eventually the temperature of the Earth got warmer and warmer. 

Sources of Greenhouse gases:

Mostly due to human activities;
1)  Use of fossil fuels;
2)  Deforestation;
3)  Use of Synthetic fertilizers.

Impacts of Global Warming:

1) Rise of sea water:
    Due to heat, more ice melts from land which causes increase in sea water.

2)  Longer Wildfire Season:
      Due to heat, there will be longer and more damaging wildfire seasons in the U.S.

3)   Can Cause severe health problems.

4)    More Droughts.

 Temperature rise?

 According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Institute    for Space Studies, the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8° Celsius  since 1880.

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