Sunday, August 26, 2018

Easiest method to understand the Economy

IF you want to know about economy, you should familiarize the term GDP(Gross domestic product)

What is GDP?

Gross domestic product or GDP is the market value of all goods(e.g Cars , bikes, houses, grocery, in short, all tangible items) or services(e.g Doctors, Engineers,  Lawyers, Your barber etc) produced in a country within a certain period like in one year

GDP of Pakistan in year 2016-2017 was $304.95 billion (which means market value of all goods and services produced in Pakistan in 2017 was $304.95 billion or $304950000000

GDP of Pakistan in year 2015-2016 was $288.65 billion

GDP per capita:

GDP per capita means average income of a single person 
It can be calculated as
                                             GDP  in certain period (like in a year)
  GDP  per capita              =  ______________________________ 
                                              Population in certain period

 GDP of Pakistan in 2016-2017 was $304950000000
Population of Pakistan in 2017  was   197015955
                                    $ 304950000000
  GDP per capita     = __________________    =   $ 1547.8 this is the per capita income in Pakistan 

This is simply understandable that the country with higher GDP per capita is more prosperous but the country with high GDP has large economy in world ranking. Pakistan has $304 billion and America has $19.2 trillion  .

America has almost $ 59000 GDP per capita which is too much higher than Pakistan.

I am sure that you can understand the economy by reading this but let me clear one more thing

GDP growth rate:

GDP growth rate is calculated as          Present GDP - Previous year GDP
                                                               ___________________________     * 100
                                                                          Previous year GDP

                                                              GDP in 2016-2017   -  GDP in 2015-2016    
    GDP growth   rate                 =           __________________________________    * 100
                                                                        GDP in 2015-2016
                                                     =         $304950000000 - $288650000000
                                                                ___________________________       * 100

                                                     =              5.64 %




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